


The Educational Foundation of the CAFP currently funds the following non-profit organizations and programs:


CIVIX is a non-partisan, national registered charity dedicated to building the skills and habits of active and engaged citizenship among young Canadians. Our vision is a strong and inclusive democracy where all young people are ready, willing and able to participate.

Forum for Young Canadians

Forum for Young Canadians is a week-long program which occurs three times per year in Ottawa. During each session young people aged 15 to 19 years discover federal and provincial Canadian politics thanks to activities and presentations on politics, policy, and international trade.

Parliamentary Interns Program

Every year since 1970, the Parliamentary Internship Programme has welcomed 10 young professionals to Parliament Hill from September through June. The paid, non-partisan interns are selected through a national competition. Each intern works full-time for both an opposition and government Member of Parliament. During their internship, Parliamentary interns meet with senior policymakers, diplomats, journalists, scholars, politicians, and leaders in civil society. The interns take part in academic seminars, write an innovative academic research paper, share their knowledge of Parliament with young Canadians, and take part in legislative study tours to Québec, Brussels, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Nunavut.

Teachers Institute on Parliamentary Democracy

The Teachers Institute is an intensive professional development opportunity where educators will…

  • learn from political, procedural and pedagogical experts;
  • discuss key issues in citizenship and parliamentary democracy;
  • develop strategies for teaching Parliament, democracy, governance and citizenship; and
  • take lessons back to the classroom.