About the

The Educational Foundation of the Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians (CAFP), is an independent, registered, charitable organization that raises money for CAFP activities that promote democracy and good governance in Canada and in emerging democracies around the world.

About the Foundation

CAFP members contribute to the running of the Association by paying a small annual membership fee. They also donate their time; members who volunteer to participate in CAFP programs provide their services free of charge. Virtually all funds contributed to the Foundation go directly to operations and are eligible for receipts for income-tax purposes.

Donations to the Foundation have made it possible for Association members to speak in classrooms and on university campuses across Canada and even in the United States. They have also helped the CAFP promote democracy in countries such as Iraq, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Haiti, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Cambodia, Indonesia and many others.

With every assignment, every speech, every program, CAFP strives to enable its members to strengthen our country’s democratic process and bring Canada’s vision of democracy to people around the world.